
If you need help and want to contact support, please email us:


Frequently asked questions

  • How can I delete my account?

    Please contact KVCBNB to delete your account. If you want to restore your account, please send us your email address you used to create an account. *After we recieve your account deletion request, our team will deactivate your account from the system and unlist all your listings/cancel all your upcoming trips. We will not completely delete your information from the database, since we can access them when required. Your account information will be stored in our database until further announcements.

  • Can I share an account on KVCBNB?

    Yes multiple hosts could provide a tour, however registeration is required for only one person. Please make sure to provide information about all tour participants on the tour description. 

  • Who can be a host?

    Since quality control is very important for us to keep our platform sophisticated, we approve the tours based on the qualifications of hosts.

  • Does KVCBNB screen guests?

    We do not screen guests. Anyone can register, however, the hosts could decline a booking request made by a unverified user. Guests are recommended to verify identity using Facebook or submitting government issued official documents. 

  • How should I price my host?

    Please contact us for advice. We have information about how to set a price for a place in your specific region.

  • How do payments work?

    We currently accept credit card payments and Paypal. Please create/own a Paypal account if you wish to use this method. 

  • How do I retrieve money from my KVCBNB wallet?

    You could request a payout via a Paypal account. Our team will review your request and process it within 24-48 hours.

  • Does KVCBNB provide any insurance for hosts?

    We do not provide any insurance to hosts or guests. It is your responsibility to organize your own insurance during your trip. However, we currently are working on partnering with insurance companies. More information will be available soon.